RJ and Faye Thieneman were big supporters of the Louisville community in many different ways. To continue their legacy, the RJ Thieneman Family Foundation was created to support the Louisville community. Besides the family support, everyone at the office feels they have a duty to help those in the community that are in need the most. This past Friday, the RJ Thieneman and Louisville Realty Group teams came together to help build for Habitat for Humanity in the West End for a remarkable and sweet young woman. This home is the 500th build in the Louisville area! We did a little bit of everything, from weather-proofing windows, installing windows and doors, finishing the sub-roof, installing roof support joints, cleaning, installing some drywall, painting, and general support. We truly left our mark. It was a busy day. Then we all sat down together for a great lunch at Mike Linings down on the river! It was hot, we were sweaty, but wow did we feel a sense of love, gratitude, and purpose. Check out these amazing photos of our time at the site.